The Paper Palace
Book: The Paper Palace
Premise: Elle is at her childhood vacation home in Cape Cod with her husband, mother, and kids, along with her first love Jonas and his wife. Taking place over the course of 24 hours the book jumps back and forth between the present and past. We come to see all the trauma and horrors of her childhood that created her and have lead her up to this very weekend.
Would I Recommend: Yes*
*Trigger Warning this book is filled with very adult subject matter and it can be dark/distressing/graphic.
Rating: 4/5
Additional Thoughts: For the first few chapters I thought this book was about a woman having an affair. I pretty much had it pegged and when I got to the chapter that shared the title with the name of the person she was having the affair with I thought “Oh great, so this is gonna be just like the HBO show The Affair”. Upon further reading I realized that this book was about something else entirely. People are so layered.
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