Oh My Cod


Until about two years ago I was not a big fish person. I knew I needed to branch out (I am a steak girl all the way) and add something new into our weekly rotation. So I turned to my trusted best friend, Ina Garten (Queen) and started flipping through all her cook books in search of some guidance. I decided on her Herb Roasted Fish from her Make It Ahead book. I chose cod because it has a reputation of not being very fishy, and I was trying to ease into this new territory. Costco had a beautiful fresh filet and I have been purchasing it ever since.

The Recipe

Ina's Recipe Here

Oh My Cod you guys, it’s so good! We eat this exact meal about 3-4 per month. I followed Ina’s instructions to a tee the first few times I made it but here is where I make my own modifications:


  • I don’t do the egg wash on the parchment paper. I have found that cleverly wrapping in the shape of a crescent moon seals the packages good enough for me.

  • I typically double the amount of fresh herbs especially if I have extra thyme on my hands (I’ll stop, forgive me)

  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt will feel insane as you put it on each filet but trust me, it is vital to the flavor of this dish. I have cut it down before and was sorely disappointed with the difference.

Served With

I serve this fish with the exact same sides every time. Why mess with perfection? I grab Trader Joe’s frozen brown rice (mold it into a measuring cup for added fanciness and to make myself feel better about not just cooking brown rice traditionally) and then sauté cherry tomatoes. Or grape if that’s all i can get at the store. These burst in your mouth. So. Much. Flavor.

Cooking Tomatoes

Grab a package of cherry tomatoes, add olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper and I sauté them for about 3 minutes. During the last 30 seconds of cooking I like to add in my chopped basil.

The best part of this entire dinner is that it takes me about 20 mins start to finish to put together.

Let me know how you like it below!


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